We never tire of hearing good things about someone we love. And we never tire of hearing a person we love tell us they love us in return. Such messages are choice messages.
Likewise, we never tire of hearing a choice Word regarding Jesus. He is the great love message of all time. The book of Hebrews says, Christ came as High Priest . . . Not with the blood of goats and calves, but with His own blood He entered the Most Holy Place once for all. . . . (Heb. 9:11a,12a NKJV)
Jesus made it possible to approach God! Only the high priests could enter the Most Holy Place of the Temple where God's Pesence dwelled. And the high priest entered only once a year with a blood sacrifice. Jesus changed that when He gave Himself—the eternal Blood Sacrifice for all people.
Originally published August 31, 1990.
Picture: Como Park Conservatory, St. Paul, 2009. Photo by Solveig
love is always in the air with Christ!
Yes. Oh to hear Him and walk with Him all the time! That's the goal and the reward.
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