Jesus comes again!—and not only in the future when He returns at the close of the Age. Then He will make a final gathering of His people unto Himself. But He also comes presently—again and again and again—into everyday life. He comes into every situation where He is welcome, and He brings His life with Him.
Many parables tell us to eagerly look for Jesus—to anticipate His coming. If we limit out interpretation of these passages to the Second Coming of Christ we might miss the joy of His entry into our daily lives.
Jesus said, Let your waist be girded and your lamps burning; and you yourselves be like men who wait for their master, when he will return from the wedding, that when he comes and knocks they may open to him immediately. (Lk. 12:35,36 NKJV)
We want to be ready for the second coming of Christ. But we also want to be ready to welcome Him today. If we continually welcome Him into our present lives, we will welcome Him at any point in our future. Look for Jesus. He is coming!
Originally published May 10, 1991.
Picture: Como Park Conservatory, St. Paul, 2009. Photo by Solveig.
come Lord Jesus come!
Oh, yes. Come! Lord Jesus!
And thanks to you, too, for stopping by.
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