God fed the Israelite when they were in the Wilderness by sending manna in the mornings. Because the manna was life-sustaining, and because it came at a crucial time, succeeding generations of Israelites always looked to it as a sign. People even asked Jesus what sign he would give so they could believe as the people believed Moses when God sent manna.
By that time Jesus had already performed many miracles—He had even multiplied five loaves of bread and two fishes to feed five thousand people just the day before! The crowds might not have realized they were participating in a miracle—they simply received food as the disciples handed it to them. Nevertheless, because they lacked spiritual insight, they didn’t recognize the supernatural ministry of Jesus.
Maybe that’s why Jesus didn’t talk about bodily food when he answered them. He focused on spiritual sustenance instead. He said, For the bread of God is he who comes down from heaven and gives life to the world . . . I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry, and he who believes in me will never be thirsty. (Jn. 6:33,35 NIV)
Jesus focused spiritual sustenance, because it offers the key to both physical and spiritual life. When we receive Jesus, we receive the life of God. He is our our daily manna, our spiritual bread.
Originally published May 30, 1986
Picture: Viewed from the street, West Fargo, 2009. Photo by Solveig.
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