As soon as he did it, Pharaoh regretted setting the Israelites free. They were slave labor and the economy depended on them. So he gave orders to his army to follow with chariots—and he led the troops.
Imagine the Israelites’ terror when they saw Pharaoh with Egypt’s army closing in on them. They cried out to Moses who had an amazing word: Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring today. (Ex. 14:13 NIV)
The order would be repeated again and again throughout Old Testament history, and when the order originated with God, He delivered His people—every time.
During the Exodus, the people obeyed the word from God through Moses, and the story that followed is one of the most familiar of our culture. Even Hollywood capitalized on the drama of a pillar of cloud . . . hiding people who walked through the sea on dry ground, with a wall of water on their right and on their left. (vs. 19b,22b)
The real drama, however, is God’s plan. His plan was and is salvation. Although the people’s faith was imperfect, He delivered them. And throughout their journey through the wilderness to the promised land, He continued to protect and provide for His people.
Originally published March 30, 1985.
Picture: Commercial landscape, Fargo, 2009. Photo by Solveig.
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