Paul was on his third missionary journey when he purposed in the Spirit . . . to travel again to Jerusalem. . . . (Acts 19:21b NKJV)
The phrase purposed in the Spirit (note the capital “S” in Spirit) is one of those sticky or controversial spots in Scripture. The New International Version of the Bible reads, Paul decided. . . . These translations do not quite agree.
The New American Standard Bible reads, Paul purposed in the spirit (note the small “s”). The small “s” has a footnote telling the reader the translators will not commit themselves to whether “spirit” means Paul’s human spirit or God’s Holy Spirit.
Did Paul decide in his own spirit or did he respond to a leading from God’s Spirit? Or a combination of the two? Whatever the case, from that point on Paul received many warnings telling him he would end up in a prison if he went to Jerusalem. But he went to Jerusalem anyway, regardless of the consequences. He had decided or purposed in the Spirit. He either would not—or could not—turn away from God’s call or God’s claim upon his life.
Originally published May 20, 1988.
Picture: Hollyhocks near Lindenwood Park, Fargo, 2009. Photo by Solveig.
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