Psychologists tell us that feeling accepted by others is a basic human need. But for many, acceptance from others seems like an impossible goal. Their self-image has been damaged by injustice, by unfair treatment.
Scripture has much to say about acceptance. Paul instructs Christians to accept others just as Christ also received us. . . . (Rom. 15:7b NKJV) But if we’ve felt unacceptable for years, those thought patterns are firmly entrenched—and they aren't easily released. Christians are not exempt from these struggles.
An unknown psalmist cried, My tears have been my food . . . Deep calls to deep . . . your waves and breakers have swept over me. (Ps. 42:3a,7a,7c NKJV) The psalmist’s images are powerful because they describe helpless feelings when overcome by powerful currents. The images also help us release pent-up emotions.
If the psalmist could cry, perhaps I can cry. And perhaps I’ll even be able to move on with him into a statement of faith: I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God. (v. 11b) By joining our expression with the psalmists expression, we find acceptance from the God who receives hurting people.
Originally published December 7, 1984.
Picture: Pansies, Patty's Garden, 2009. Photo by Solveig.
Originally published December 7, 1984.
Picture: Pansies, Patty's Garden, 2009. Photo by Solveig.
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