Although the failure of Jesus’ body to decay was a miracle in the material realm, within the spiritual realm it made and makes perfect sense. A sinless, immutable God cannot decompose or decay. Neither death nor Satan will ever prevail against the incorruptible Son of God. It’s spiritually—and therefore physically—impossible.
The importance of Jesus’ resurrection—the victory of His incorruptible body over death—cannot be overemphasized. Paul said, if Christ is not risen, then our preaching is vain . . . you faith is futile, you are still in your sins! (I Cor. 15:14a,17b NKJV) We worship Jesus, in part, because we believe the life of God in Him could not be destroyed.
Furthermore, because Jesus—God manifested in flesh—could not be destroyed, the life of God manifested within individual people cannot be destroyed. Because Christ is within our mortal bodies, we are spiritually alive.
Originally published May 22, 1987 and April 5, 1991
Picture: Lindenwood Park, Fargo, 2008. Photo by Solveig.
The importance of Jesus’ resurrection—the victory of His incorruptible body over death—cannot be overemphasized. Paul said, if Christ is not risen, then our preaching is vain . . . you faith is futile, you are still in your sins! (I Cor. 15:14a,17b NKJV) We worship Jesus, in part, because we believe the life of God in Him could not be destroyed.
Furthermore, because Jesus—God manifested in flesh—could not be destroyed, the life of God manifested within individual people cannot be destroyed. Because Christ is within our mortal bodies, we are spiritually alive.
Originally published May 22, 1987 and April 5, 1991
Picture: Lindenwood Park, Fargo, 2008. Photo by Solveig.
This fact of the resurrection is what gives us hope under and all circumstances.
Yes. God is good.
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