The concept of a resurrection seemed impossible to the women who visited the tomb on Easter morning. Then, they found the stone rolled away . . . but when they entered, they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus. (Lk. 24:2a,3 NIV)
To make matters worse, when they tried to tell the disciples what had happened, the disciples did not understand them; their words seemed to them like nonsense. (v. 11b)
There are many who still think the story is nonsense. And truthfully, it goes against our understanding of reality. But God was not deterred by the disciples questions and He is not deterred by our questions. He does not defend Himself, He invites people to examine His Son Jesus—His life and His ministry—the works He did—the Word He spoke—His crucifixion—and His claim of victory over death and the grave.
On that first Easter morning, when the angel invited the women to inspect the tomb, the angel said, “Do not be afraid, for I know you seek Jesus who was crucified. He is not here; for He is risen, as He said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay.” (Mt. 28:5b,6 NKJV)
Originally published April 20, 1984.
Picture: Floral plant arrangement, 2006. Photo by Ken.
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