Monday, March 23, 2009

He Makes Us Whole

Jesus met a man with a withered hand in the synagogue, and He healed it. One Word—and it was done.

But before He spoke the Word, Jesus dealt with the Pharisees—religious men who would rather see the man suffer than acknowledge Jesus’ ministry. They were watching Jesus closely, looking for fault, looking for a way to reject the ministry of God’s Son. They didn’t care about the man who needed healing.

Jesus cut through their opposition, and He spoke directly to the man: “Stretch out your hand.” The man followed Jesus’ instructions, and his hand was restored as whole as the others. (Lk. 6:10 NKJV)

There will always be people who would rather see others suffer than acknowledge Jesus’ ministry. They look for ways to reject God and His Son.

Jesus continues to deal with their opposition. If we look beyond opposition and respond to Him—stretch out our soul, our very being—in answer to His call, He promises to restore. He makes us whole again.

Originally published April 8, 1988.

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