Paul quoted Ps. 68:18 in his letter to the Ephersians: When He [Jesus] ascended on high He led captivity captive, and gave gifts to men. (Eph. 4:8 NKJV) Because that sounds confusing to our minds, let’s look briefly at what it means to lead captivity captive.
Captivity is a condition of severe restraint or bondage. Spiritual captivity is bondage to sin. It means being overwhelmed or overcome by the power of sin’s influence. People in spiritual captivity experience loss of moral freedom. They can’t choose good for pure or holy reasons.
Satan is the master-mind behind all captivity. He wants to imprison people—rob them of God’s blessings, but Jesus defeated Satan when He shed His blood on Calvary.
When Jesus ascended on high, He entered heaven as the victor over Satan. Since that occasion, no one has had to remain a captive under Satan’s control. Because, He led captivity captive.
Originally published February 16, 1990.
Picture: Cactus in bloom, Arizona Desert, 2008. Photo by Patty.
Captivity is a condition of severe restraint or bondage. Spiritual captivity is bondage to sin. It means being overwhelmed or overcome by the power of sin’s influence. People in spiritual captivity experience loss of moral freedom. They can’t choose good for pure or holy reasons.
Satan is the master-mind behind all captivity. He wants to imprison people—rob them of God’s blessings, but Jesus defeated Satan when He shed His blood on Calvary.
When Jesus ascended on high, He entered heaven as the victor over Satan. Since that occasion, no one has had to remain a captive under Satan’s control. Because, He led captivity captive.
Originally published February 16, 1990.
Picture: Cactus in bloom, Arizona Desert, 2008. Photo by Patty.
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