People can spend a lifetime studying Scripture without coming to God. The Pharisees did. Jesus said to them, "You search the Scriptures, for in them you think you have eternal life; and these are they which testify of me. But you are not willing to come to Me that you may have life." (Jn. 5:39,40 NKJV)
Jesus, our example, studied the Scriptures, too. He received spiritual truth; He let His Father speak to Him and fill Him with life.
If the Pharisees had listened to God speak through the Scriptures, they would have heard the Father, recognized Jesus and listened to Him as well. They would have come to Jesus with humble hearts.
They didn’t want to come to Jesus and they continued to study with hard hearts. Jesus said, "You do not have His word abiding in you, because whom He sent, Him you do not believe.” (v. 38)
Originally published January 19, 1990.
Picture: Red River of the North, 2009. Photo by Cindy.
Jesus, our example, studied the Scriptures, too. He received spiritual truth; He let His Father speak to Him and fill Him with life.
If the Pharisees had listened to God speak through the Scriptures, they would have heard the Father, recognized Jesus and listened to Him as well. They would have come to Jesus with humble hearts.
They didn’t want to come to Jesus and they continued to study with hard hearts. Jesus said, "You do not have His word abiding in you, because whom He sent, Him you do not believe.” (v. 38)
Originally published January 19, 1990.
Picture: Red River of the North, 2009. Photo by Cindy.
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