Some of God’s illustrations are simple, but they so wonderfully illustrate His point.
The people of Israel were divided into two nations, had been divided for many years. When Ezekiel prophesied, the northern kingdom had been overrun by Assyrians and the southern kingdom was being ravaged by Babylon. During that difficult time, God told Ezekiel to take two sticks. On one he should write, belonging to Judah and the Israelites associated with him. On the other, belonging to Joseph (Israel) and all the house associated with him. Then, Join them together into one stick so they will become one in your hand. (Ez. 37:16,17 NIV)
The people of the two countries were all God’s people—and they shared a common faith. But they were separated by sin. They had even been at war with one another.
Even so, during this time of sorrow and great destruction, God reminded the people of Judah of the destiny they shared with Israel. He also continued to draw them to Himself and to speak to them through His prophets. I will cleanse them. They will be my people, and I will be their God. (v. 23b)
The people of Israel were divided into two nations, had been divided for many years. When Ezekiel prophesied, the northern kingdom had been overrun by Assyrians and the southern kingdom was being ravaged by Babylon. During that difficult time, God told Ezekiel to take two sticks. On one he should write, belonging to Judah and the Israelites associated with him. On the other, belonging to Joseph (Israel) and all the house associated with him. Then, Join them together into one stick so they will become one in your hand. (Ez. 37:16,17 NIV)
The people of the two countries were all God’s people—and they shared a common faith. But they were separated by sin. They had even been at war with one another.
Even so, during this time of sorrow and great destruction, God reminded the people of Judah of the destiny they shared with Israel. He also continued to draw them to Himself and to speak to them through His prophets. I will cleanse them. They will be my people, and I will be their God. (v. 23b)
Originally published May 25, 1984,
Picture: Along the Red River of the North. Photo by Cindy.
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