The prophet Elijah followed the Lord and proclaimed His Word. And on more than one occasion God called him to do something radical. In fact, he even challenged the prophets of Baal and the people who followed them. He told them to assemble for a showdown.
The prophets of Baal would prepare a bull as a sacrifice to their god and Elijah would prepare a bull as a sacrifice to the Lord. Then the prophets of Baal would call on their god and he would call on the Lord. When it was over, they would know that The god who answers by fire—he is the God. (I Kings 18:24b NIV)
The prophets of Baal must have thought they were up to it, because they prepared a bull, sacrificed it on their altar, and prayed. Nothing happened. Elijah began to mock them around noon. Then they shouted louder and slashed themselves with swords and spears . . . until the blood flowed. . . . (v. 28). Although self-mutilation is not unknown in pagan religions, we can hardly imagine a more gruesome scene. And although unusual events can happen when people interact with the spiritual realm, the antics of the prophets of Baal did not help. Baal did not answer.
When the prophets of Baal were finally done, Elijah repaired an altar of the Lord that had been standing unused. It had probably been built years earlier, ignored by people who had abandoned Jehovah God. When the altar and sacrifice were ready, Elijah prayed a simple prayer. O Lord, God of Abraham, Isaac and Israel, he began, let it be known today that you are God . . . answer me, so these people will know. . . . (v. 36a,37a)
Perhaps you remember the story. The Lord responded with fire that not only burned the sacrifice but that consumed the wood, stones, dust, and even the water he had poured over the sacrifice before he prayed.
And the people? They knew. Falling on their faces they cried, The Lord—he is God! The Lord—he is God. (v. 39b)
Originally published March 3, 1989.
Picture: Commercial landscape, West Fargo, 2009. Photo by Solveig.
The prophets of Baal would prepare a bull as a sacrifice to their god and Elijah would prepare a bull as a sacrifice to the Lord. Then the prophets of Baal would call on their god and he would call on the Lord. When it was over, they would know that The god who answers by fire—he is the God. (I Kings 18:24b NIV)
The prophets of Baal must have thought they were up to it, because they prepared a bull, sacrificed it on their altar, and prayed. Nothing happened. Elijah began to mock them around noon. Then they shouted louder and slashed themselves with swords and spears . . . until the blood flowed. . . . (v. 28). Although self-mutilation is not unknown in pagan religions, we can hardly imagine a more gruesome scene. And although unusual events can happen when people interact with the spiritual realm, the antics of the prophets of Baal did not help. Baal did not answer.
When the prophets of Baal were finally done, Elijah repaired an altar of the Lord that had been standing unused. It had probably been built years earlier, ignored by people who had abandoned Jehovah God. When the altar and sacrifice were ready, Elijah prayed a simple prayer. O Lord, God of Abraham, Isaac and Israel, he began, let it be known today that you are God . . . answer me, so these people will know. . . . (v. 36a,37a)
Perhaps you remember the story. The Lord responded with fire that not only burned the sacrifice but that consumed the wood, stones, dust, and even the water he had poured over the sacrifice before he prayed.
And the people? They knew. Falling on their faces they cried, The Lord—he is God! The Lord—he is God. (v. 39b)
Originally published March 3, 1989.
Picture: Commercial landscape, West Fargo, 2009. Photo by Solveig.
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