It’s never easy to replace a strong leader. Joshua had served as Moses’ assistant during the Israelites 40 years in the wilderness. As the assistant, Joshua witnessed multiple miracles. He led the Israelites in battle. He even entered the cloud of God’s presence with Moses when they climbed up Mount Sinai. Joshua received the best training possible.
But Moses had carried all the authority and all the responsibility. After Moses died, when Joshua assumed the position of leadership, Joshua responded as a normal human responds. He was afraid and he felt weighed down by the burden and challenge.
God prepared Joshua by speaking a Word into his heart that specifically addressed his fear: Be strong and of good courage, for to this people you shall divide as an inheritance the land. . . . (Josh. 1:6a NKJV)
Remarkable things happen inside a person who hears and believes God’s Word. Joshua got the message, and the people were ready for his leadership. They said, All that you command us we will do . . . Just as we heeded Moses in all things, so we will heed you.” (v. 16a,17a)
And so, when the time came to cross the Jordan and enter Canaan, Joshua was ready. He provided the leadership necessary for his army and for the people.
Originally published September 4, 1987.
Picture: Commercial display, Grand Forks, 2009. Photo by Solveig.
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