Monday, September 21, 2009

Rising above Taunts and Threats

David was a young boy who stayed home and took care of his father’s sheep during the early years of Saul’s reign. Out in the fields, he developed an intimate relationship with his God and he learned to trust God’s leading and protection. When his father sent him to check on the status of his older brothers who were part of Saul’s army, David had confidence in the God who had proven Himself faithful.

When David expressed his confidence, however, his brothers taunted him.

This was a test and an important first step for David. He would not have gone against Goliath if he had not first stood strong against his own brothers.

When he did go against the giant named Goliath in a fight to the death, Goliath came at him with threats as well as more taunts. The Bible says Goliath looked down upon him as someone insignificant. He cursed David by his gods. He said, Come to me, and I will give your flesh to the birds of the air and the beasts of the field. (I Sam. 17:42,44 NKJV)

David had something to say in return: I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts. . . This day the Lord will deliver you into my hand . . . for the battle is the Lord’s. . . . (v. 45,46) And once again, David prevailed because God gave him the victory.

If David was afraid, the Bible does not tell us. He knew his God and he knew his God was in control, regardless of anything that anyone might say.

Originally published April 18, 1986.

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