Friday, September 4, 2009

Give Me This Mountain

Caleb was fearless during the early days of Israel’s wandering through the Wilderness. As one of twelve spies sent into Canaan, he recommended taking immediate possession of the land.

Because that didn’t happen, Moses promised Caleb that he would receive land as an inheritance for him and his children when they eventually did enter—because he had, “wholly followed the Lord.” (Josh. 14:9b NKJV)

For forty years Caleb wandered through the wilderness with the rest of the Israelites, but his faith remained strong and he did not forget the promise. But when they finally entered Canaan, Moses was dead. And so Caleb approached his friend Joshua and said, As yet I am as strong this day as I was on the day that Moses sent me. Now therefore, give me this mountain. . . . (v. 11a,12a)

Caleb did not think the task would be small—he even reminded Joshua of the giant Anakim who lived in fortified cities. But he declared God would be with him and he would defeat them.

Joshua blessed him, and gave Hebron to Caleb. . . . (v. 13a) And Caleb, fearless for the glory of God, did what he said he would do. He conquered a mountain.

Originally published June 5, 1987.

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