Wednesday, May 6, 2009

A Spiritual Goad

Ecclesiastes tells us, The words of the wise are like goads. . . . (Ecc. 12:11a NKJV)

Goads are sharp pointed sticks used to drive oxen. They look similar to javelins. So here Scripture compares words spoke by wise leaders to sharp or pointed instruments that push willful but slow-witted creatures in the right direction. When we extend the analogy, we realize we’re the slow-witted creatures! Oxen, to be specific!

Who can be excited about an analogy that compares people to oxen. However, if we recognize God as the source of truth, then wisdom makes sense. God’s Word does serve as a goad—and it does, on many occasions, reveal our sin. It jabs against our willful opinions and desires. It performs spiritual surgery by supernaturally identifying and removing offense.

Perhaps we’re not so different from oxen after all.

For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piecing even to the division of soul and spirit. . . . (Heb. 4:12a) This kind of penetration can cause pain. Wisdom might even cause a measure of suffering. But wisdom brings us to God.

Originally published June 12, 1987.

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