Monday, May 11, 2009

Knowing by Revelation

Paul said, For the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of God. (Rom. 8:19 NKJV)

The word revealing in this verse refers to a specific type of knowing—knowing or understanding with a spiritual heart.

This isn’t the same as knowing through memorization—or even knowing through using the ability to reason. Even though the ability to reason is a wonderful and useful gift, it is limited. Reasoning does not move us to love. It does not encourage forgiving when we have been hurt. In fact, a life directed totally by reason is impossible because we cannot deny our feelings.

Although all types of knowing are gifts from God, when reason fails, we long for another type of knowledge. If we do not have it, we are susceptible to emotionalism.

So let us seek all of God’s knowledge. Let use our gift of reason—try to develop it fully to God’s glory. And let us seek spiritual revelation or knowing as well. Only spiritual revelation has power to bring life from the heart.

Originally published December 28, 1990.


Warren Baldwin said...

"a life directed totally by reason is impossible because we cannot deny our feelings."

Good insight. Some philosphers have tried to rely strictly on reason but they didn't do so well (as Nietzshe). Good post. WB

Solveig said...
