Monday, May 4, 2009

Our Hope of Glory

Forces are all around, and they influence us. We’re tempted to conform to social standards. We desire the products and lifestyles we see on television. In fact, we can be so overwhelmed by the forces around us that we hardly respond to the personality within. The personality within might even seem unimportant.

Paul understood this when he prayed the Colossians would walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing Him. . . . (Col. 1:10b NKJV) For although God has a standard—a rigid moral law—His standard never overwhelms a personality.

God requires obedience, discipline. But when we yield to His discipline, we discover rather than lose our identity. Discipline helps us tune out external forces—so we can tune in to the God of infinite variety. When we tune into God, we learn He wants to express His variety through us.

Truly, it is Christ in you, the hope of glory! (v. 27b) He values the unique person within.

Originally published October 24, 1986.

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