Monday, May 25, 2009

"Because I Live . . ."

When Jesus prepared the disciples for His death, He tried to tell them about the Resurrection: [T]he world will not see me anymore, but you will see me. Because I live you also will live. (Jn. 14:19 NIV)

The disciples did not understand—just as we so often fail to understand God’s Word. But the promises are available nevertheless. They’re available to all who come to Him. We will see Jesus and we will rise from the dead.

Jesus’ promises can be especially helpful and comforting when observing occasions such as Memorial Day. Many people will visit graves of family members or beloved friends. We are reminded of death as the final foe—our point of separation from this world. Then we remember the promise of life after death from Jesus.

The Apostle Paul claimed life after death when he quoted Hosea, Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting? (I Cor. 15:55)

Originally published May 27, 1983.

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