Monday, April 20, 2009

His Ministry Continues

Of all the people who have ever lived, only Jesus could say, “it is finished. . . .” (Jn. 19:30b NKJV) The purpose of His human life was fulfilled.

If Jesus’ job was done, why did He appear to Mary Magdalene on Easter morning as she wept by the tomb? Why did He travel with Cleopas and another friend on the road to Emmaus—explaining Scripture as they walked along? Why did He comfort disciples who shut themselves in a room—and breathe the Holy Spirit upon them? (Jn. 20)

Jesus ministered to people after His death and resurrection because He loved them—because He wanted to comfort them—and because they needed to know He still had much to teach them, especially about His resurrection from the dead.

During those visits, He let them know He had a body. A changed but tangible body. Although He walked through a wall, He ate food. At different times He invited His followers to touch Him. He was real—different but real. They were eyewitness.

Originally published March 28, 1986.

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