Monday, June 15, 2009

Out of the Heart

Have you ever tried teaching a child to say the right thing? Perhaps to say, Thank you. Or, I’m sorry. Parents must keep at it because children forget—usually because they do not have a truly thankful or sorry heart.

Or, perhaps we try to keep a child from expressing a selfish thought when they proclaim, Mine. Or, Give it to me. Again, words reveal the attitude.

Adults are somewhat better at controlling their words, but sometimes they slip. Again, the best way to say constructive words to people—or about people—is to think constructive thoughts. Because eventually, we will say what we think. The attitudes of the heart have a way of revealing themselves.

Jesus said, For out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks. (Lk. 6:45b NKJV) What we do and what we say reveals our inner life—our character.

Originally published June 9, 1989.

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