Friday, March 27, 2009

Call Someone a Fool?

It’s dangerous to call someone a fool. Jesus said that anyone who says to others, ‘‘'You fool' shall be danger of hell fire.” (Mt. 5:22 NKJV)

A disparaging epithet reveals more about the person saying it than about the person who is the object of ridicule. It’s easy to take cheap shots, to judge others, to attach labels on people who don’t meet our peculiar standards. Nevertheless, these are strong words from Jesus.

Judging and labeling reveal the attitude of our heart— reveal that we’re willing to look at others with contempt or disdain.

Jesus said, “whoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of judgment. . . .” (v. 21) If we call someone a fool, we allow our heart to slide down a slippery slope.

Originally published February 3, 1989.

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