Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Acting upon God's Word

In this country, most people have ample opportunity to hear God’s Word. That was also true during Jesus’ life and ministry in Israel. People could regularly attend a synagogue—and if a special preacher was in the area, they could go to special meetings. During the early days of His ministry, Jesus often preached in the synagogues in or near Galilee. He also preached along the shores of the Lake of Galilee and then, multitudes pressed about Him to hear the word of God. (5:1a)

But it isn’t enough to simply hear the Word of God. We must also respond to it. After finishing a message one day while preaching near the lake, He turned to Simon Peter who stood nearby and said, “Launch out into the deep [waters] and let down your nets for a catch.” (5:4b)

This didn’t make a lot of sense to Peter. The command contradicted both reason and conventional wisdom, but Peter responded anyway. He dropped the net; He didn’t lose the opportunity to act upon God’s Word.

And when they had done this, they caught a great number of fish, and their net was breaking. (5:6)

Originally published May 3, 1991.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"it isn't enough to simply hear the Word of God. We must respond to it."

hmmm... it rolls in my mind with the energy it inspires!!!